Our Philosophy
Shorebreakers Kindergarten Statement of Philosophy

In relation to children we: - Support children to become confident and involved learners,
- Respect and value children's voices by listening to their thoughts, ideas and decisions,
- Embrace our relationships with children to support them to develop a sense of belonging to the other children and educators within the centre,
- Develop and promote each child's sense of agency by providing them with the opportunity and freedom to make choices throughout the day,
- Provide and document an inclusive program that offers a range of open-ended, intentional and spontaneous learning experiences that support a variety of ages, abilities and learning styles,
- Celebrate the uniqueness of each child, by recognising and acting upon their interests, strengths and abilities.
In relation to families we: - Welcome, encourage and advocate family involvement within the centre and their child's development via communication, events and learning programs.
- Recognise the significance of families as coming first in a child's life, and foster these relationships on the basis of respect, trust and honesty,
- Utilise these partnerships with families to gain input regarding children's cultures, routines, development and learning outcomes to provide high quality education and care,
- Offer a comprehensive orientation process that welcomes children and their families to our centre and allows them to take the time to establish relationships with key educators and develop a familiarity to the service.

In relation to educators/colleagues we: - Believe open and honest communication is essential to a collaborative and productive team,
- Respectfully listen to others' ideas, thoughts, suggestions and feelings,
- Share constructive feedback and open our minds to trialling new things as a part of the change process and for growth,
- Value diversity within our team and encourage individuals to share their passions, interests, strengths and ideas,
- Place significance on professional development for growth of ourselves as individuals, as well as the centre as a whole, and believe this is necessary for staying up to date on changes and developments within the sector.
In relation to our community we: - Value the role and significance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have within our community and reflect this within our environments, programs and routines,
- Advocate for and value the contribution and input of our local community members, services and businesses within our educational program via events, teaching experiences and conversations,
- Role-model respect for our environment, via service routines, policies and sustainable practices.